Small Beginnings

As I sit here, watching the sun rise over the brown grass that will soon give way to dark rich compost, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. This farm has been a long-time vision in my heart, and now, after moving to this little parsonage property last year, we're finally taking the first steps towards making it a reality.

Our focus this year is on nurturing the very foundation of our farm: the soil. Understanding that healthy soil is the key to vibrant, beautiful blooms, I’m dedicating efforts to improving its quality. I’m implementing various techniques to enhance soil health, such as increasing organic matter inputs, planting diverse species, and managing nutrients carefully.

While our variety may be limited this first year, we're confident that the beauty of our blooms will be abundant. This week, I’m sowing the seeds of promise in our trays: snapdragons, zinnias, petunias, forget-me-nots, marigolds, and celosia. As summer approaches, we'll welcome the cheerful faces of sunflowers and even a few dahlias to our fields.

Brush Arbor Farm isn't just about growing flowers; it's about cultivating community. As Athens/Oconee natives, Brandon and I are excited to make the rounds at various farmer's markets, sharing our fresh-cut bundles with neighbors near and far. And for those who prefer a more personal touch, we'll be offering farm-fresh bouquets right here on 2-acre farm.

Starting this flower farm has been an adventure, to say the least. With six kids, a dog, and a cat in tow, our days are filled with running, learning, and a fair share of chaos. But there's something magical about watching our children's eyes light up as they help plant seeds or spot the first blooms in the field.

We're learning as we go, balancing our dreams with practical considerations. Our initial investment has been modest – proof that you don't need a fortune to start a flower farm. We're focusing on essentials and getting creative with solutions, allowing our business to grow organically alongside our blooms.

So here's to new beginnings, to soil-stained hands and sun-kissed cheeks, to the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead. We invite you to join us on this adventure, whether by visiting our stand at the farmer's market or stopping by the farm for a fresh-picked bouquet. Together, let's cultivate beauty, one bloom at a time.


What’s in a Name?


The Roots of Our Motto